RFID - Die Monochrom-Version von YMCA
Zum Auftakt des neuen Jahres 2007 etwas vergnüglicheres ...
Auf dem vergangenen CCC-Kongress wurde folgender Song in Anlehnung an den schon häufig paraodierten Song YMCA von den The Village People von der Wiener Künstlercombo monochrom geschrieben und uraufgeführt.
[Monchrom hat uns bereits den schönen Song zum Ende des Overheadprojektors geliefert.]
Wenn auch gegen Ende die AgitProp-Attitude Überhand gewinnt, was man nicht unbedingt benötigt hätte, ist das dennoch eine andere, kreative Art zum Umgang mit neuen Technologien ...
by monochrom
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
RFID Song (Bratlfettn Version) [MP3, 2:42]
RFID Song (Rohkost Version) [MP3, 2:34]
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Users, there's trouble ahead
I said users, it is totally sad
But users, the future lies in your hand
Cause it's all about surveillance
Comrades, you don't know what I mean?
Well comrades, there's new tech on the scene
Come on comrades, stand up fight for your right
There's a need for your experience
It's fun to hack the RFID
It's fun to hack the RFID
Technology is just a matter of choice
You can microwave all their toys
It's fun to hack the RFID
It's fun to hack the RFID
They want to store everything about you
But there's plenty of things you can do
Ownage, it's the way to resist,
I said ownage, let's call it "digital fist"
Ownage, there's not much time left
For civil disobedience
Awesome, there's a lot we can share
Awesome, let's destroy the nightmare
I said awesome, a million lines of code
We just need the right compiler
It's fun to hack the RFID
It's fun to hack the RFID
They use it in passports and cellphones you buy
but fuck it, it's all a lie
RFID, you'll find it at the supermarket
No folks, zap them all by yourself
Put your pride on the shelf
Hack it, fuck it, hack it, fuck it
Hack it, fuck it, hack it, fuck it
(Melody: YMCA)
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Man beachte aber auch noch folgenden Hinweise:
"Written and first performed at 23C3 (23rd Chaos Communication Congress) in December 2006 in Berlin as part of monochrom's 'Proto-Melodic Comment Squad'.
Heise calls it an "anthem". Well, why not?
There is a video of the first nocturnal presentation at 23C3 (let's call it "first rehearsal"), a short (asynchronous) cam phone movie, a clip by Fumi TV and a recording by the Chaos TV team. If you know about any other tapings, please send us the links. We performed the song a couple of times. Thanks.
Lyrics under Creative Commons License."
Und hier gibt's noch weitere Kostproben in Sachen Aneignung Populärer Kultur - Sehr schön auch die die monochrom-Version von Koksnase Reinhard Fendrichs "Ich bin ein Negerant":
Sie haben Win XP, Madame.
Da sag ich gleich "Oje!", Madame.
Ihr Rechner wird geowned, Madame.
Sie werden nicht verschont, Madame.
Setzen's ein Ubuntu auf.
Und treten dann Problemchen auf.
-- Nehmen's das in Kauf.
Auf dem vergangenen CCC-Kongress wurde folgender Song in Anlehnung an den schon häufig paraodierten Song YMCA von den The Village People von der Wiener Künstlercombo monochrom geschrieben und uraufgeführt.
[Monchrom hat uns bereits den schönen Song zum Ende des Overheadprojektors geliefert.]
Wenn auch gegen Ende die AgitProp-Attitude Überhand gewinnt, was man nicht unbedingt benötigt hätte, ist das dennoch eine andere, kreative Art zum Umgang mit neuen Technologien ...
by monochrom
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
RFID Song (Bratlfettn Version) [MP3, 2:42]
RFID Song (Rohkost Version) [MP3, 2:34]
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Users, there's trouble ahead
I said users, it is totally sad
But users, the future lies in your hand
Cause it's all about surveillance
Comrades, you don't know what I mean?
Well comrades, there's new tech on the scene
Come on comrades, stand up fight for your right
There's a need for your experience
It's fun to hack the RFID
It's fun to hack the RFID
Technology is just a matter of choice
You can microwave all their toys
It's fun to hack the RFID
It's fun to hack the RFID
They want to store everything about you
But there's plenty of things you can do
Ownage, it's the way to resist,
I said ownage, let's call it "digital fist"
Ownage, there's not much time left
For civil disobedience
Awesome, there's a lot we can share
Awesome, let's destroy the nightmare
I said awesome, a million lines of code
We just need the right compiler
It's fun to hack the RFID
It's fun to hack the RFID
They use it in passports and cellphones you buy
but fuck it, it's all a lie
RFID, you'll find it at the supermarket
No folks, zap them all by yourself
Put your pride on the shelf
Hack it, fuck it, hack it, fuck it
Hack it, fuck it, hack it, fuck it
(Melody: YMCA)
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Man beachte aber auch noch folgenden Hinweise:
"Written and first performed at 23C3 (23rd Chaos Communication Congress) in December 2006 in Berlin as part of monochrom's 'Proto-Melodic Comment Squad'.
Heise calls it an "anthem". Well, why not?
There is a video of the first nocturnal presentation at 23C3 (let's call it "first rehearsal"), a short (asynchronous) cam phone movie, a clip by Fumi TV and a recording by the Chaos TV team. If you know about any other tapings, please send us the links. We performed the song a couple of times. Thanks.
Lyrics under Creative Commons License."
Und hier gibt's noch weitere Kostproben in Sachen Aneignung Populärer Kultur - Sehr schön auch die die monochrom-Version von Koksnase Reinhard Fendrichs "Ich bin ein Negerant":
Sie haben Win XP, Madame.
Da sag ich gleich "Oje!", Madame.
Ihr Rechner wird geowned, Madame.
Sie werden nicht verschont, Madame.
Setzen's ein Ubuntu auf.
Und treten dann Problemchen auf.
-- Nehmen's das in Kauf.
kschoenberger - 4. Jan, 20:46
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