Ausschreibung: Professor in Technikgeschichte am Steno Institute in Arhus

Associate Professor of history of technology

The Steno Institute invites applications for a permanent position as associate professor to commence 1 January 2007 or as soon as possible thereafter.

We seek a historian of technology with significant publications and current research interest in one or more of the following fields: the history of modern technology, production of technological knowledge, relations between technology and science and/or between technology and medicine.

Applicants' ability to contribute to teaching and/or research in other sections of the Steno Institute may be taken into account.

The general requirements for the position are as follows: a PhD degree or its equivalent in an appropriate subject area, preferably history of technology; a strong record of research; teaching experience at university level; administrative experience. Three or more years of research experience beyond PhD is desirable.

The successful applicant will be expected to

* take responsibility for the undergraduate course in history of
* offer elective courses in areas related to his/her research
* contribute to other courses covered by the Institute (e.g.
introduction to the history of science; introduction courses in
philosophy of science for science students)
* pursue an active research programme

The successful candidate will be expected to participate in all aspects of the Institute's activities, and he/she is required to be present on a daily basis. If the candidate does not speak Danish, he/she will be expected to learn enough to participate fully in the administrative work of the Institute within two years.

Applications must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, a complete list of publications, a statement of future research plans and information about research activities, teaching qualifications and management experience, all in 4 copies (see for the recommended level of detail). If the applicant wants other material to be considered in the evaluation (publications (max 5) and other documentation of research and teaching qualifications, as well as management experience) such material must be clearly specified and must either be enclosed in hardcopy (3 copies) or must be available electronically.

The Faculty refers to the Ministerial Order No. 170 of 17.03.2005 (( on the appointment of teaching and research staff at the universities under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Unions.

Applications should be addressed to The Faculty of Science, University of Aarhus, Ny Munkegade, Building 1521, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark, and marked 212/5-148. The deadline for receipt of all applications is August 21, 2006, at 12,00 noon.

For more information contact the head of the Institute Keld Nielsen, phone +45 8942 3540, e-mail: keld.nielsen[at]si[dot]au[dot]dk

The Steno Institute is a multidisciplinary department covering the history of science, technology and medicine; philosophy of science; science education; and science communication. The Danish Museum for the History of Science and Medicine also forms part of the Institute.

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Gerrit Herlyn
Deutungsmuster und Erzählstrategien bei der Bewältigung beruflicher Krisenerfahrungen In: Seifert, Manfred/Götz, Irene/Huber, Birgit (Hg.): Flexible Biographien. Horizonte und Brüche im Arbeitsleben der Gegenwart. Frankfurt u. a. 2007, S. 167-184.

Anika Keinz, Klaus Schönberger und Vera Wolff (Hrsg.)
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