Drüben bei Material World ist ein interessanter Beitrag erschienen,
ich zitiere mal den ersten Satz In both the popular press and scholarly research, the trope of digital information as “immaterial” is invoked with remarkable persistence.
und die Hälfte des letzten Absatzes: This project thus argues that, in a very literal and fundamental sense, materiality is a key entry point for reading infrastructural change, for identifying opportunities for innovation that leverage such change, and for acquiring a deep understanding of the possibilities and constraints of computing. This understanding is not particularly provided by exposure to programming languages. Rather, it requires familiarity with the conflicts and compromises of standardization, with the principles of modularity and layering, and with a material history of computing that largely remains to be written.
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ich zitiere mal den ersten Satz In both the popular press and scholarly research, the trope of digital information as “immaterial” is invoked with remarkable persistence.
und die Hälfte des letzten Absatzes: This project thus argues that, in a very literal and fundamental sense, materiality is a key entry point for reading infrastructural change, for identifying opportunities for innovation that leverage such change, and for acquiring a deep understanding of the possibilities and constraints of computing. This understanding is not particularly provided by exposure to programming languages. Rather, it requires familiarity with the conflicts and compromises of standardization, with the principles of modularity and layering, and with a material history of computing that largely remains to be written.
Der ganze blogpost, dort auch ein link zur pdf des 30-seitigen Artikels
amischerikow - 14. Dez, 20:35
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