Fahrradfahren: Freedom of Movement
Bis zum 1. März 2015 noch in Hamburg, danach als Wanderaustellung: Die Ausstellung DAS FAHRRAD. Kultur, Technik, Mobilität.
Ausgehend vom Fahrrad ist das Projekt Freedom of Movement des Goldsmiths/London sehr interessant:
Freedom of Movement: the bike, bloomer and female cyclist in late nineteenth century Britain is a sociological research project that seeks to understand what we wear to cycle, by thinking about what we have worn. More broadly it is also interested in processes of technology invention and design.
The project explores how the bike, bloomer (and attending ideas of Rational Dress) and the suffrage movement in late C19th Britain helped women carve out new gendered forms of mobile citizenship.
Ausgehend vom Fahrrad ist das Projekt Freedom of Movement des Goldsmiths/London sehr interessant:
Freedom of Movement: the bike, bloomer and female cyclist in late nineteenth century Britain is a sociological research project that seeks to understand what we wear to cycle, by thinking about what we have worn. More broadly it is also interested in processes of technology invention and design.
The project explores how the bike, bloomer (and attending ideas of Rational Dress) and the suffrage movement in late C19th Britain helped women carve out new gendered forms of mobile citizenship.
amischerikow - 13. Nov, 14:46
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