

First Monday - Special Issue zur "Urban Screens"

Interessant ist hier, dass es nicht um Videoüberwachung geht, sondern um vielfältigen Formen der Präsenz von Bildschirmen, die den öffentlichen Raum in sehr unterschiedlicher Weise "bespielen". Im Gegensatz zur Videoüberwachung werden nicht Aufnahmen vom öffentlichen Raum gemacht, sondern Bilder in den öffentlichen Raum gestellt.

First Monday
(Peer reviewed Journal on the Internet)

Special Issue #4: Urban Screens: Discovering the potential of outdoor screens for urban society

edited by Pieter Boeder, Geert Lovink, Sabine Niederer, and Mirjam Struppek

Introduction: Discovering the potential of outdoor screens for
urban society
by Pieter Boeder and Mirjam Struppek

Urban screens: The beginning of a universal visual culture
by Paul Martin Lester

The politics of public space in the media city
by Scott McQuire

The poetics of urban media surfaces
by Lev Manovich

Interpreting urban screens
by Anthony Auerbach

Story space: A theoretical grounding for the new urban annotation
by Rekha Murthy

The urban incubator: (De)constructive (re)presentation of heterotopian spatiality and virtual image(ries)
by Wael Salah Fahmi

Urban screens: Towards the convergence of architecture and
audiovisual media
by Tore Slaatta

Towards an integrated architectural media space
by Ava Fatah gen. Schieck

Art and social displays in the branding of the city: Token
screens or opportunities for difference?
Julia Nevárez

Hijacking the urban screen: Trends in outdoor advertising and
predictions for the use of video art and urban screens
by Raina Kumra

For an aesthetics of transmission
by Giselle Beiguelman

Intelligent skin: Real virtual
by Vera Bühlmann

Programming video art for urban screens in public space
by Kate Taylor

Augmenting the City with Urban Screens
by Florian Resatsch, Daniel Michelis, Corina Weber, and
Thomas Schildhauer

ROSA - Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung (Nr. 31): Technik

Ab sofort erhältlich:
ROSA - Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung, Ausgabe 31 zum Thema Technik

ROSA ist eine interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, die von Studentinnen der Universität Zürich zweimal jährlich herausgegeben wird.

Aus dem Inhalt der aktuellen Nummer:
  • Körper aus dem Baukasten" von Yvonne Volkart: Donna Haraway ist feministisch und antikapitalistisch. Aber auch nicht immer einfach zuverstehen. Ein einführender Artikel zum Werk der Biologiehistorikerin Cyborgs, OnceMouse, und New World Order Inc. inbegriffen.
  • Hackender Computerunderground" von Angela Martucci: Keine Anleitungfür illegale Aktivitäten, dafür spannende Ausführungen zu Metaphernrund ums Hacking und zu feministischer Technikaneignung.
  • Geschlecht im Kopf" von Anelis Kaiser: Weshalb wird vom Gehirn alswichtigstes Geschlechtsorgan gesprochen? NeurowissenschaftlicheExperimente kritisch beleuchtet.
  • Die Selbstfahrerin" von Elisabeth Joris: Autoverückte Damen gründen 1929 den SDAC: Über die Aktivitäten eines eigensinnigen bürgerlichen Frauenvereins.
  • Frauen versus Technik" von Patricia Marti: Stereotypen noch und nöcher. Wieso erscheinen technische Berufe so emanzipationsresistent?
  • Queer  ein politischer Begriff" von Nathan Schocher: Queer als Kategorie ist attraktiv und kann mit vielem gefüllt werden. Möglicherweise bleibt dabei der wissenschaftliche und politischeNutzen auf der Strecke.

  • Frauenflüchtlinge in der Schweiz" von Susanne Bachmann: Wieso die Verschärfung des Asylgesetzes einen noch grösseren Spiessrutenlauf für Frauen bedeutet.

ROSA ist unter anderem erhältlich in den Zürcher Buchhandlungen Klio, Ruth Dangel und Helvetiaplatz. Ebenfalls im Studentenladen und diversen Institutsbibliotheken der Universität Zürich.

ROSA kann natürlich auch direkt bei der Redaktion bestellt werden:

ROSA Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung Historisches Seminar,
CH-48006 Zürich
E-Mail: rosa.gender[at]gmail[dot]com

Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media

FREE electronic subscription to Volume 1 of Games and Culture!

Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN: 1555-4120
eISSN: 1555-4139
Months of Distribution: January - April - July - October -

Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media
is a new, quarterly international journal (first issue due January 2006) that aims to publish innovative theoretical and empirical research about games and culture within the context of interactive media. The journal will serve as a premiere outlet for ground-breaking and germinal work in the field of game studies.

Games and Culture's scope will include the socio-cultural, political,
and economic dimensions of gaming from a wide variety of perspectives, including textual analysis; political economy; cultural studies; ethnography; critical race studies; gender studies; media studies; public policy; international relations; and communication studies.

Games and Culture's scope will include the socio-cultural, political, and economic dimensions of gaming from a wide variety of perspectives, including textual analysis; political economy; cultural studies; ethnography; critical race studies; gender studies; media studies; public policy; international relations; and communication studies. Other possible arenas include:

* Issues of gaming culture related to race, class, gender and
* Issues of game development
* Textual and cultural analysis of games as artifacts
* Issues of political economy and public policy in both US and
international contexts

Of primary importance will be the bridging of the gap between games studies scholarship in the United States and in Europe.

One of the primary goals of the journal will be to foster dialogue among the academic, design, development, and research communities that will influence both game design and research about games within various public contexts. A second goal will be to examine how gaming and interactive media are being used in contexts outside of entertainment, including in education contexts, for the purposes of training, for military simulation, and for political action.

Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media invites academics, designers and developers, and researchers interested in the growing field of game studies to submit articles, reviews, or special issues proposals to the editor. Games and Culture is an interdisciplinary publication, and therefore it welcomes submissions by those working in fields such as Communication, Anthropology, Computer Science, English, Sociology, Media Studies, Cinema/Television Studies, Education, Art History, and Visual Arts.

All submissions will be peer reviewed by two or more members of the distinguished, multi-disciplinary editorial board. Games and Culture aims to have all papers go through their initial review within three months of receipt. Manuscripts should be submitted with four paper copies and electronically in Word or Word Perfect format and conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Fifth Edition) and should not exceed 10,000 words in length. Papers that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned to the author(s).

Submit manuscripts to:

Douglas Thomas, Editor
Games and Culture
Annenberg School for Communication
University of Southern California
3502 Watt Way
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281
Email: editor@gamesandculture.com

To sign up forFREE electronic access to the first volume, go to:
http://games.sagepub.com and click on "FREE TRIAL"

Once you have registered, you will be sent an acknowledgement and a reminder email as soon as the first issue is available.

For further information on the journal including editorial board
listings and submission details, please also visit this website.

"STI-Studies": Neues peereviewed Online-Journal

Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer schreibt uns

the first internationally oriented, reviewed online journal for the German speaking STI community has been launched yesterday.
The first issue of "STI Studies" contains the following four articles, which can be downloaded free of charge from the website www.sti-studies.de:
  • Peter Wehling: Social Inequalities Beyond the Modern
    Nature-Society-Divide? The Cases of Cosmetic Surgery and Predictive Genetic Testing
  • Alexander Bogner: How Experts Draw Boundaries. Dealing with Non-Knowledge and Uncertainty in Prenatal Testing
  • Ursula Holtgrewe: Intellectual Property, Communism and Contextuality. A Non-Essentialist Exploration of German Digital Copyright and the Public Domain
  • Ulrich Dolata: Reflexive Stimulation or Disjointed Incrementalism? Read-justments of National Technology and Innovation Policy
"If you want to comment on these papers, please send us your review, which we will be glad to publish on our website.
Likewise we welcome the submission of papers for the second issue (Dec. 2005)."

Die Herausgeber sind:
  • Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer
  • Raymund Werle
  • Johannes Weyer
Das Editioral umreisst das Programm der neuen Zeitschrift:

"Science, Technology & Innovation Studies" is a reviewed bi-annual online journal that publishes analytical, theoretical and methodological studies
• on the creation and use of scientific knowledge and its relation to society,
• on the development of technology and its social impact and control,
• on innovation in industry and in the public sector.
The STI journal is the first scholarly German journal in the area of science, technology and innovation. It provides a focused forum for the German speaking community of STI researchers to present their research to a broader international audience. The majority of articles will be published in English. Anonymous peer review is to assure high quality of all articles in this online journal.
Each issue of the journal will contain three to four articles of no more than 20 pages which can be downloaded free of charge as PDF files.

Editorial Advisory Board:
Arno Bammé Interuniversity Institute Klagenfurt
Armin Grunwald Research Centre Karlsruhe
Dorothea Jansen University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
Regine Kollek University Hamburg
Werner Rammert Technical University Berlin
Volker Schneider University Konstanz
Peter Weingart University Bielefeld

Zeitschrift: Technikgeschichte

Soeben ist das aktuelle Heft der Zeitschrift Technikgeschichte (Heft
2/2005) erschienen.
Herausgeber ist der "Verein deutscher Ingenieure" (VDI).

Inhaltsverzeichnis via H-SOZ-KULT

Technikgeschichte (TechnikG). Berlin: edition sigma. ISSN 0040-117x

Homepage Edition Sigma

Weitere Informationen zu dieser Zeitschrift

Zeitschrift: Fast Capitalism

FAST Capitalism

is a "journal devoted to analyzing the impact of information and communication technologies on self, society and culture in the 21st century. bridges the social sciences and the humanities. welcomes disciplinary and interdisciplinary work".

Editorial Introduction
"Fast Capitalism is an academic journal with a political intent. We publish reviewed scholarship and essays about the impact of rapid information and communication technologies on self, society and culture in the 21st century. We do not pretend an absolute objectivity; the work we publish is written from the vantages of viewpoint. Our authors examine how heretofore distinct social institutions, such as work and family, education and entertainment, have blurred to the point of near identity in an accelerated, post-Fordist stage of capitalism."

Weiter im Editioral
Ein Weblog mit Informationen und Meinungen rund um Fragen der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Technikforschung

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Tagungsband "Bewegtbilder...
Ute Holfelder / Klaus Schönberger (Hrsg.) Bewegtbilder...
amischerikow - 30. Jun, 15:29
Die Ausgabe 30.4 (November 2015) der Zeitschrift Cultural...
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Du warst schneller,
mein Lieber ;-)
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Tagung “Bewegtbilder...
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Publikationen aus dem Forschungskolleg

Gerrit Herlyn
Deutungsmuster und Erzählstrategien bei der Bewältigung beruflicher Krisenerfahrungen In: Seifert, Manfred/Götz, Irene/Huber, Birgit (Hg.): Flexible Biographien. Horizonte und Brüche im Arbeitsleben der Gegenwart. Frankfurt u. a. 2007, S. 167-184.

Anika Keinz, Klaus Schönberger und Vera Wolff (Hrsg.)
Kulturelle Übersetzungen

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