Wiener WWTF fördert Science Center- und Kinship-Museumsprojekt
Im Rahmen des Art(s)&Sciences-call 2008 aus dem "Wiener Impulsprogrammes für Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften" des Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds (wwtf) wurde Barbara Wenk, Associate des Forschungskollegs Kulturwissenschaftliche Technikforschung mit einem Fellowship zum Thema "Communication lab for developing network-based spaces for science center activities in Vienna Science Center Netzwerk"
und einer Fördersumme von 75.800 € für die Dauer von sechs Monaten bedacht. Wir gratulieren.
Aber auch das Wiener Institut für Europäische Ethnologie holt nach jahrelanger Abstinenz langsam in Sachen Drittmittel auf: Im gleichen Programm wurde für das Projekt "Doing kinship with pictures and objects: a laboratory for private and public practices of art" positiv entschieden. Auch hier: Gratulation!
Idee, Projektantrag und Projektleitung: Elisabeth Timm (Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien und Science Communications, Wien)
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre
Fördersumme: 260.000 EUR.
Beginn voraussichtlich in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2009; die Ausschreibung von künstlerischen, kuratorischen und ethnologischen junior-scientist-Stellen erfolgt voraussichtlich im Frühjahr.
Projektpartner: Dr. Margot Schindler (Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde in Wien); Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alison Jane Clarke (Dept. of Design History and Theory, Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Wien), Ass.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Fuchs (Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien).
In using ethnographic and artistic methods, the projects asks for doing kinship with pictures and objects. On this empirical basis, experimental new ways of researching, representing, and of participatory communication in a Viennese Museum will be developed. With regard to the investigation of family and kinship today the project draws from the lately in cultural studies and social sciences developed understanding of family and kinship as cultural process of the everyday, as "doing kinship" (Janet Carsten), and on the current finding of an enlargment and unbounding of kinship. In doing so, it focuses on forms and on the production of relations in family and kinship in an with visual and material culture: In what ways are these relations in private and public produced, named, legitimized, hierarchized, represented with pictures, objects, films, etc.? This will be studied ethnographically in two Viennese districts, one the bourgeois middle- or upper class (8th district), and one with predominantly petty-bourgeois and working-class population (often with migration background) (16th district).
The project takes the ethnographically documented use of pictures and objects for serious as a popular aesthetic practice. The limits of verbal/written representations of visual and material culture have been debated intensively in cultural studies - therefore the project combines qualitative ethnographic with artistic methods. Also new findings from social/cultural anthropology, cultural studies, and from social science prove, that the dimensions and dynamics of relations in family and kin can only be grasped if one looks for all their forms (verbal, spatial, material, visual) and for the intersections of these different aestetic forms (e.g. the photograph of children in the wallet, the sending of home-made family videos to kin all over the world).
The central space of this research is an experimental laboratory in a Viennese museum that specializes in popular culture (the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art). In this laboratory cultural-studies researchers work together with curators, mediators and artists and the producers and users of the pictures and objects meet with them; the curators from the museums bring in objects from their collections to confront the material and visual culture hidden in the depots with current objects that are in use. With this a new space is created which unfolds an experimental dynamic in relation to the interface between science and art, in relation to new possibilities of curatorial and museologic work as well as in regard to new, participatory methods of communication and mediation between museum and public.
With this the project aims at transcending a cultural analysis that is mostly concentrated on language as well as at a development of museum's communication work as an interface of popular-, research- and artistic aesthetic practices.
Art(s) & Sciences call 2008 - geförderte Projekte:
Dr. Elisabeth Timm
Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien
Hanuschgasse 3
A-1010 Wien
Tel. 00 43 – 1 – 42 77 44 012
Fax 00 43 – 1 – 42 77 94 18
und einer Fördersumme von 75.800 € für die Dauer von sechs Monaten bedacht. Wir gratulieren.
Aber auch das Wiener Institut für Europäische Ethnologie holt nach jahrelanger Abstinenz langsam in Sachen Drittmittel auf: Im gleichen Programm wurde für das Projekt "Doing kinship with pictures and objects: a laboratory for private and public practices of art" positiv entschieden. Auch hier: Gratulation!
Idee, Projektantrag und Projektleitung: Elisabeth Timm (Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien und Science Communications, Wien)
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre
Fördersumme: 260.000 EUR.
Beginn voraussichtlich in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2009; die Ausschreibung von künstlerischen, kuratorischen und ethnologischen junior-scientist-Stellen erfolgt voraussichtlich im Frühjahr.
Projektpartner: Dr. Margot Schindler (Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde in Wien); Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alison Jane Clarke (Dept. of Design History and Theory, Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Wien), Ass.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Fuchs (Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien).
In using ethnographic and artistic methods, the projects asks for doing kinship with pictures and objects. On this empirical basis, experimental new ways of researching, representing, and of participatory communication in a Viennese Museum will be developed. With regard to the investigation of family and kinship today the project draws from the lately in cultural studies and social sciences developed understanding of family and kinship as cultural process of the everyday, as "doing kinship" (Janet Carsten), and on the current finding of an enlargment and unbounding of kinship. In doing so, it focuses on forms and on the production of relations in family and kinship in an with visual and material culture: In what ways are these relations in private and public produced, named, legitimized, hierarchized, represented with pictures, objects, films, etc.? This will be studied ethnographically in two Viennese districts, one the bourgeois middle- or upper class (8th district), and one with predominantly petty-bourgeois and working-class population (often with migration background) (16th district).
The project takes the ethnographically documented use of pictures and objects for serious as a popular aesthetic practice. The limits of verbal/written representations of visual and material culture have been debated intensively in cultural studies - therefore the project combines qualitative ethnographic with artistic methods. Also new findings from social/cultural anthropology, cultural studies, and from social science prove, that the dimensions and dynamics of relations in family and kin can only be grasped if one looks for all their forms (verbal, spatial, material, visual) and for the intersections of these different aestetic forms (e.g. the photograph of children in the wallet, the sending of home-made family videos to kin all over the world).
The central space of this research is an experimental laboratory in a Viennese museum that specializes in popular culture (the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art). In this laboratory cultural-studies researchers work together with curators, mediators and artists and the producers and users of the pictures and objects meet with them; the curators from the museums bring in objects from their collections to confront the material and visual culture hidden in the depots with current objects that are in use. With this a new space is created which unfolds an experimental dynamic in relation to the interface between science and art, in relation to new possibilities of curatorial and museologic work as well as in regard to new, participatory methods of communication and mediation between museum and public.
With this the project aims at transcending a cultural analysis that is mostly concentrated on language as well as at a development of museum's communication work as an interface of popular-, research- and artistic aesthetic practices.
Art(s) & Sciences call 2008 - geförderte Projekte:
Dr. Elisabeth Timm
Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien
Hanuschgasse 3
A-1010 Wien
Tel. 00 43 – 1 – 42 77 44 012
Fax 00 43 – 1 – 42 77 94 18
TK-Kolleg - 22. Jan, 13:37
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