cfp: "What is Technology?
Dieser Call passt doch hierhin wie kein anderer, oder?
Call for Papers - ISSJ N° 205 - "What is Technology? - Theory, History, Ontology" - The International Social Science Journal, UNESCO/Wiley-Blackwell
Reposing the Heideggerean question of Being and techné, this volume of the International Social Science Journal aspires to again ask "what is technology?" and interrogate the effects of technology on subjectivity, psyche and the body. We ask how the technological infiltrates and shapes social facts and problematize the long-standing distinction between nature and techné. How are post-modern subjectivities interpolated by the technological and how is the very notion of the human called into question in light of advances in science and technology?
Moreover, this issue will seek to telescope the very possibility of an ethics of science and technology and the philosophical grounds for such an ethics in an age bereft of all narratives of transcendence. Themes to be engaged include
1. History/Theory
2. The post-human/trans-human/cyborgs
3. Cybernetics, Nanotechnology, and Converging Technologies
4. Language, Culture, Subjectivity
Contributions can emerge from any discipline and theoretical orientation.
Please send abstracts and queries to S. Romi Mukherjee by 28 February 2010. Final articles expected for July 2010. E-mail:
Call for Papers - ISSJ N° 205 - "What is Technology? - Theory, History, Ontology" - The International Social Science Journal, UNESCO/Wiley-Blackwell
Reposing the Heideggerean question of Being and techné, this volume of the International Social Science Journal aspires to again ask "what is technology?" and interrogate the effects of technology on subjectivity, psyche and the body. We ask how the technological infiltrates and shapes social facts and problematize the long-standing distinction between nature and techné. How are post-modern subjectivities interpolated by the technological and how is the very notion of the human called into question in light of advances in science and technology?
Moreover, this issue will seek to telescope the very possibility of an ethics of science and technology and the philosophical grounds for such an ethics in an age bereft of all narratives of transcendence. Themes to be engaged include
1. History/Theory
2. The post-human/trans-human/cyborgs
3. Cybernetics, Nanotechnology, and Converging Technologies
4. Language, Culture, Subjectivity
Contributions can emerge from any discipline and theoretical orientation.
Please send abstracts and queries to S. Romi Mukherjee by 28 February 2010. Final articles expected for July 2010. E-mail:
Dr. nilz - 15. Jan, 18:33
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