"STI-Studies": Neues peereviewed Online-Journal

Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer schreibt uns

the first internationally oriented, reviewed online journal for the German speaking STI community has been launched yesterday.
The first issue of "STI Studies" contains the following four articles, which can be downloaded free of charge from the website www.sti-studies.de:
  • Peter Wehling: Social Inequalities Beyond the Modern
    Nature-Society-Divide? The Cases of Cosmetic Surgery and Predictive Genetic Testing
  • Alexander Bogner: How Experts Draw Boundaries. Dealing with Non-Knowledge and Uncertainty in Prenatal Testing
  • Ursula Holtgrewe: Intellectual Property, Communism and Contextuality. A Non-Essentialist Exploration of German Digital Copyright and the Public Domain
  • Ulrich Dolata: Reflexive Stimulation or Disjointed Incrementalism? Read-justments of National Technology and Innovation Policy
"If you want to comment on these papers, please send us your review, which we will be glad to publish on our website.
Likewise we welcome the submission of papers for the second issue (Dec. 2005)."

Die Herausgeber sind:
  • Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer
  • Raymund Werle
  • Johannes Weyer
Das Editioral umreisst das Programm der neuen Zeitschrift:

"Science, Technology & Innovation Studies" is a reviewed bi-annual online journal that publishes analytical, theoretical and methodological studies
• on the creation and use of scientific knowledge and its relation to society,
• on the development of technology and its social impact and control,
• on innovation in industry and in the public sector.
The STI journal is the first scholarly German journal in the area of science, technology and innovation. It provides a focused forum for the German speaking community of STI researchers to present their research to a broader international audience. The majority of articles will be published in English. Anonymous peer review is to assure high quality of all articles in this online journal.
Each issue of the journal will contain three to four articles of no more than 20 pages which can be downloaded free of charge as PDF files.

Editorial Advisory Board:
Arno Bammé Interuniversity Institute Klagenfurt
Armin Grunwald Research Centre Karlsruhe
Dorothea Jansen University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
Regine Kollek University Hamburg
Werner Rammert Technical University Berlin
Volker Schneider University Konstanz
Peter Weingart University Bielefeld

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Gerrit Herlyn
Deutungsmuster und Erzählstrategien bei der Bewältigung beruflicher Krisenerfahrungen In: Seifert, Manfred/Götz, Irene/Huber, Birgit (Hg.): Flexible Biographien. Horizonte und Brüche im Arbeitsleben der Gegenwart. Frankfurt u. a. 2007, S. 167-184.

Anika Keinz, Klaus Schönberger und Vera Wolff (Hrsg.)
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